Speeches & Panel Discussions


Vik gives over a dozen keynote speeches and participates in numerous panel discussions and webinars per year. His topics include clinical medicine, digital health, entrepreneurship, global and public health, innovation, leadership, Medicaid/Medicare, patient engagement, product development & technology, robotics in healthcare, social determinants of health, telemedicine, and user experience.

Selected Events

Vik has presented in a wide variety of forums ranging from guest lectures in academic forums to large audience keynotes at industry conferences. Examples of recent or upcoming events include: HIMSS Precision Medicine Summit, Stanford Medicine X, Digital Health London, Wharton Total Leadership, MIT Sloan Healthcare and BioInnovations ConferenceEntrepreneurs SummitHIMSS Population Health Summit, and Ayusmat Healthcare Leadership Summit.


If you are interested in having Vik give a speech, please send an email to Vik.